Sunday, August 12, 2007

One year later ...

It's hard to believe, but this weekend, one year ago, I moved from Boston to Washington D.C. The past 365 days have been rather a blur. It's true, some of those days (and nights) were spent in a drunken blur, but I'd say most of them are a fairly lucid blur. But I thought that since my blog has picked up some new readers, it might be worthwhile to recap some of my favorite entries from the past year. A few themes jumped out at me as I combed through the writings -- 1) I have great friends. 2)My dating life sucks. 3)MBA students like alcohol.

Hm. Maybe I should work on writing about things of more noble character in this next year ...


525,600 -- Back when I waxed philosophical about friends and how they make me better. Oh wait, I still do that...

There's beauty in the breakdown -- The novelty of a new town and new friends started to wear off. But I had friends back in Boston and elsewhere to put me back together.

Dating and Football -- My MBA girls, also known as The Four Seasons, decided to try our hand at speed dating. Heh.

Top 5 Reasons Why MBA Students Are Dorks -- I think this is when I became fully indoctrinated.

Rumor Has It -- The best night of debauchery for the Gang of 100 EVER.

A Whole Lotta Ugly -- The ugliest sofa you will ever see in your life.

The Big Bang -- Explains why you should never drink water from the Potomac.

Why My Mom is Better Than Your Mom -- it's true.

Girl Meets Guinness -- The only time in my life that I got mad at a pint of Guinness

A Nation Conceived in Liberty -- Thoughts on the zeitgeist.

Quantifying Online Dating -- I boldly go where no (sane) MBA student has gone before.

Why Comcast is the Spawn of the Devil -- Seriously. Comcast has been a plague on my life.

Possibly the Best Craigslist Ad Ever Written -- So great, I had to share it again.

Sake It To Me -- The best and funniest stereotype I've ever had thrown at me.

Operation 2012 -- My dating adventures continue with the launch of Operation 2012. It crashed and burned on the first day.

At least I made it through alive! I'm looking forward to what the next 365 days has in store...

Now playing: Sufjan Stevens - The Tallest Man, The Broadest Shoulders: Part I: The Great Frontier/Part II: Come To Me Only With Playthings Now
via FoxyTunes

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