Thursday, August 23, 2007

Make them go away

Despite the fact that I just spent a wonderful weekend witnessing the wedding of two wonderful friends (is there a 'w' word for friend?), I must blog about the creature in my couch.

As faithful readers, you all know about the black box of doom that caused the demise of two small rodent houseguests. The black box of doom was succeeded by the exterminator, who I assume disposed of the very determined mouse who chewed through the wall to get to the birdseed on the counter. All seemed to be well in the house.

Until tonight.

I was up in my room, trying to get some work done, when my new third roommate climbed up the stairs and asked, rather shakily, if I could come downstairs because she thought something was in the sofa. Incredulous, I crept down the stairs and sure enough, there was a small lump in the back part of the couch. Hoping it to be benign, I poked it with the remote control and it MOVED. Are you kidding me!?! Why is something living in my sofa?!?! We promptly screamed like the girls we are and then launched into a five-minute debate on whether it was better to kill the creature while it was in the sofa or try to get it out of the sofa and trap/kill it.

Having never encountered this type of situation before, we didn't really come to a conclusion so we brainstormed who we could call for help. But at 10pm, our choices were rather limited. So I whacked the lump as hard as I could with the remote. We're not really sure if the creature is still in the sofa or if it burrowed its way elsewhere.

This situation is so not okay.

Now playing: The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Andrew and Brooks said...

This situation reminds me of the similar experience I had with mice CRAWLING ACROSS MY SKIN while IN BED!!!!!! Mice are NOT my friends and I hope you win with this one in the couch....and all the other babies that might be hiding in there!