Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Whitney, is that really you?

I'm pleased to announce that one of my childhood heroes has finally beaten back her demons of crack cocaine and a drug-dealing husband that used to front Public Enemy. That's right, folks, Whitney Houston is back and lookin' mighty fine, I might add. It's amazing what divorce can do.

In other mindless gossip, it seems my beloved Studio 60 is on the chopping block. Aaron Sorkin, how could you have failed me so?

Oh, and for you New Yorkers out there, hurry up and buy your Kevin Federline tickets for this Saturday! Believe it or not, if you don't buy your ticket, the show might be (gasp!) cancelled due to poor sales. And the tickets are only $20. I wonder what would happen if they gave the tickets away?

(um. can you tell that i'm procrastinating? or rather, that i'm looking for inspiration as i finish my application to be a summer intern at the state department?)

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