Thursday, October 05, 2006

Random Thoughts

A few things that amused me today:

Presidential Player. That's Bolivian President Evo Morales to the left. The President's team played the International Correspondents and won 11-1.

Beauty don't equal grace. I tripped on my own feet this morning while simulataneously walking to the Metro, reading the Post, and adjusting my iPod. That's nothing compared to this model mishap at Paris Fashion Week. Why is it so darn amusing when people fall?

Curiosity killed the cat. Derek Jeter continues to be the lust of my life (at least in October). Send those little pussycats back to Detroit, boys.

Dishin' Fashion. Project Runway gossip!! Looks like we'll have to wait until Oct. 18 to find out if Jeffrey Sebelia actually cheated. In the meantime, check out how he responded to a PR fan on MySpace.

Rex Kwan Do. The Chicago Bears are 4-0 this season. I love them. With a little bit of luck, I'll actually go to my first-ever game at Soldier Field on Oct. 29. Can anyone help my luck??

Give it up, Screech. First, he was selling tshirts to avoid foreclosure on his house. Now he's doing sex tapes, with titles like "Saved By the Smell." Ew.

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