Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Call me Senator!

My name is Lady V. (hi, lady v)

And I have a habit.

I google myself.

It's a wretched, narcissistic and addictive thing to do, I know. But, hey, everyone does it! (Don't lie to yourself). But for once, I actually had a marginally reasonable explanation for googling myself - I wanted to check if the search engines have been picking up my new website. I'm on a mission to gain more search engine pings than the other women who share my name -- one is an ACLU lawyer and the other seems to be a regular on "Daily Dumpling." (On second thought, maybe I should start concentrating my efforts on becoming a pinup for Daily gotta give them Asians props for a good gossip/porno/celebrity news site.)

But back to my newfound senator-ness. Unfortunately, Google isn't giving me any cyber love. On the upside, I found myself listed on my school's website. Turns out, I got elected! Who knew? I hadn't knowingly entered any political races since my defeat at the MBA polls. Yet, here I am, the proud new owner of a graduate student seat on the Student Government, thanks to my (three?) unknown fans who wrote my name on the ballot. Thank you, my Adoring Mystery Public! You've entrusted me with the grave responsibility of bickering with undergrads for the next year.

I actually have no idea what it means to be a student representative on this board. No one has officially told me that I was elected ... but, hey, there can't be any real responsibilities attached to this job, right? The title of America's Next Top Slacker Student belonged to me this week -- I skipped two classes and handed in a paper two days late. (Never done that before. I'm chalking it up as a new experience. I'm always up for new experiences).

But, heigh ho! Speaking of googling myself, I'm off to bed ...

(heh. that was so dirty.)

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