Monday, December 04, 2006


I have this habit of not realizing that I'm singing out loud. I used to do it when I waited tables. I did it while in my cubicle at Big Red. And I busted out with "What's love got to do with it, got to do with it" today while studying for statistics. Not that there's any love lost between the Gang of 100 and chi squared tests. I spent nearly six hours studying statistics today. ew.

But while I was studying, at least I had the soundtrack of life in the background, provided by Pandora. It's fabulous -- you tell Pandora what artists or songs you like, and it sets up a radio station that plays similar music, based on a rather complicated project called the Music Genome. It even will tell you why a certain song is playing, e.g. minor key tonality, horn section, dominant vocals. Pretty cool stuff.

Way cooler than statistics.

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