Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today's Thought

Three things you should know about me:

1. I've been a Barack Obama supporter ever since I saw him speak at the Democratic National Convention (which was one of the coolest events I've ever attended) and very nearly quit my job at Big Red to move to Chicago and support his Senate race.

2. I would be thrilled to see a female president of the United States and want to believe that our nation is ready for this milestone.

3. I'm traveling on a rented bus with 20 crazy MBA students to Punxsutawney, PA to see Phil the Groundhog make his prognostication next weekend. In other words, I hardly profess to be an expert in politics and sometimes my judgment could be considered suspect.

With those three things said, let me also say that I'm annoyed by the heavy use of Hubby Bill in Hillary's campaign. I'm all for using the weapons you have in your arsenal to win a fight. But I guess I'd hoped that the first female president could win (or lose) on her own merit. Nancy Pelosi earned her spot as first female speaker of the House on her own, after all. The craziest part of the whole situation is that I believe Hillary does have merit ... but the overuse of Bill undermines it. In other words, could she win if she didn't have Bill? Of course, most of us know that no man could really survive life, let alone a presidential campaign, without his wife's support, but in our world of gender gaps, deserved or not, it doesn't mean the same thing the other way around.

Then again, maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe the important thing is to just get a woman in the Oval Office and open that door first.

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