Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday is over

I still barely understand the whole electoral college setup and now I have to figure out this crazy delegate system!? Sheesh.

We hosted a last-minute Super Fat Tuesday party last night and lemme tell you, it was getting heated all up in the 764 Lounge! Supporters of various candidates all showed up and the healthy debate ensued. I think the most heated topic of the night was whether the Bill Clinton comment that dismissed Obama's victory in South Carolina and compared him to Jesse Jackson was cruelly calculated or innocently blurted out. I hope people who don't live in the DC metro area also host Super Tuesday parties. It makes us a little less dorky.

But I write for another reason! To share the Gang's 20 hour trip to Punxsutawney, PA to see Punxsutawney Phil the Groundhog last weekend.

Yes, dear readers, we went, we drank, we conquered!

Sort of.

Along the way, there was a 50-passenger bus with an ornery driver named Tony, multiple rounds of "Asshole" on the aforementioned bus, too many cans of bad beer, long johns, handwarmers and multiple layers in 20 degree weather, mullets (LOTS of mullets. Big mullets.), a Twist of Faite, 27 shots of Jaegermeister on a silver tray, a near-death experience with a gigantic groundhog cutout in a diner called Lily's Restaurant, and 30,000 crazy people on a big hill freezing our asses off for a 45-second glimpse of a bucktoothed rodent. You can barely even see the thing in the photo.

And after all that, the damn thing told the Grand Poobah of the Inner Circle that there would be six more weeks of winter. Yeah, evidently, that whole shadow thing doesn't really happen - according to the official Groundhog Day website, Phil predicts the weather and tells his forecast in "groundhogese" to some white guy in a top hat.

I say it here, once and for all: I will never again go to Punxsutawney. Ever. The town is made up of four streets, three bars, and many bright yellow school buses. That's about it. I'm wholeheartedly convinced that the city rakes in more money on that weekend than the rest of the year combined. I wonder where they spend it all. Groundhog food?

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