Monday, June 04, 2007

Summer lovin'

I'm officially a DC resident! And what a great neighborhood I've landed in, too. Eastern Market, in my humble opinion, is one of the best areas of DC. I adore the grittiness of U Street and the funky chic of Dupont but Eastern Market is quaint, urban, diverse, eclectic and yuppie all at the same time. On our first night here, my roommate and I walked down to the main drag for food and beer. By the time we got back home, we had been introduced to Bernie, the guy who owns the liquor store; Carl, the unofficial "mayor" of this area, bartender and aspiring filmmaker; Kevin, local bartender; and Tom, just a random guy from the neighborhood who was behind us in line. Carl and Kevin told us that Bernie is a whiz at pairing food with wine and gave us a "shot for the road." I LOVE it. My roommate made fun of me for talking to everyone too but I just love being in a place where people answer back (nicely, of course).

While our new house is simply wonderful on so many levels, we've also discovered a leak in the basement, no hot water, and a third roommate in the shape of a small grey mouse. Welcome to city living. But I'm a 7 minute walk from the metro station and only 10 minute drive to work. Which will turn into a 15 minute commute when I (gasp!) sell my car. I'm taking the ultimate city living plunge. Not gonna lie -- it's scary.

This move has also coincided with other fortuitous circumstances -- new job, new salary, new account with Verizon Wireless, and new crush! FINALLY. I have a crush in DC. This is so great and a whole lot easier and cheaper than What's even better is that he has a crush on me too. Ah, summer crushes ... they make life so enjoyable. It's just enough drama to keep me satisfied but without the craziness that often comes with new relationships. I'm still convinced I've missed the window of marriage-in-my-20s opportunity and that I'll be single until at least 35, at which point I'll marry a divorcee and we'll have to adopt a gaggle of small children from an array of developing countries. Angelina actually stole that idea from me.

But until then, I fully plan on enjoying the single life and having crushes on hot boys who order pizza and beer and a movie with me on Friday nights, hitchhike to see Shakespeare in the Park, and wink at me just because.

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