Monday, June 25, 2007

That's what I call a productive weekend

Friday night: Shopping at the new Vintage store down the street, drinking wine on an outdoor patio with a friend, making friends with the Canadians at the next table, and getting invited to next week's party at the Canadian embassy.

Saturday: Helping the Fortress move into his new apartment, rolling my eyes at the way boys throw things into boxes and want to bring leaking beanbags in the truck (I put the kabash on that), drinking beer and eating nachos at a Gang of 100 birthday bash, sneaking liquor into a Nationals game, drinking too much of the liquor at the Nationals game, commuting 10 minutes home so I could catch up with a good friend on the phone before crashing into bed half-dressed and fully drunk.

Sunday: using my fabulous Black and Decker Firestorm drill to hang up pictures, lanterns, pot racks, spice racks, and letter holders, balancing precariously on the step ladder atop two kitchen chairs in order to hang up the living room curtains, finally unpacking all the kitchen boxes, drinking wine with my roommate whose been out of town all weekend.

If only I had remembered to put in my eBay bid for the to-die-for Steve Madden zebra print peephole heels, my weekend would have been heaven on earth ....

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