Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Donate a lung

I love the Internet. Mostly because I can find crazy stories about games that involve dead fish, check up on celebrity sightings in NYC, and sell my extra stuff before I move to Washington.

But as I was merrily posting up my unwanted junk for people to whom my junk is a too-good-to-be-true bargain, I noticed a somewhat sobering Craigslist wanted ad that caught my eye. No, it wasn't a tourist asking for Red Sox tickets, a Boston newbie seeking a normal roommate, nor was it even an overfed lonely married man looking for a beauteous Spanish woman to make him quiver.

It was a mother wanting to save her son's life. Read on, friends. I have no idea if this is some sort of sick scam or a desperate mother pleading with the Cyberworld community. But if you have an AB blood type and 5 working lung lobes, you might want to check it out.

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