Monday, July 31, 2006

Food Roundup

I've turned into a food junkie. Not in an unhealthy, trans fat, carbohydrate-soaked, grease-dripping kind of way. More like an unhealthy obsession with health foods, food trends, and Food Network Channel kind of way.

I can't help it. Every time I see that cute-as-pie Rachael Ray in her ill-fitting shirts, I'm compelled to watch the back-to-back episodes. I look at a sandwich and I calculate how many Weight Watcher points I'll lose if I consume it. I look at alcohol and I ignore how many Weight Watcher points I'll lose if I consume it. (you do it too, don't lie to yourself.) You get the picture.

Anyway, over the past week, I've noticed a number of unusual food-related stories. Here's your Food Roundup:

In reference to that last bullet .... seriously?! I do love this country but why does America have to be so poisonous sometimes?

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