Thursday, July 27, 2006

Single and poor

Oh crap. I'm moving from the No. 2 city in America for singles to the No. 9 city. And how, you might ask, would one rate cities for singles? According to, that all-knowing, hip publication known for its trendy appeal to fun-loving singles, they rated their cities on "nightlife, culture, job growth, number of other singles, cost of living alone, online dating and coolness."

I'm sorry. Coolness? Since when did Forbes become the authority on coolness? Must have been after their stories on Renault profit declines and cutesy, overdone headlines like "EMI and Warner Face the Music."

But, I shouldn't fear about being single in the No. 9 city. Not when I have Forbes' guide to "Snagging a Rich Man." Do check it out, it's worth the watch. The quotables:

"No more dive bars. Dive bars are not where the moneyed hang out."

"The charity circuit is a rich man turn on."

"How do you tell if a man is rich? Moby is rich but sometimes he looks homeless."

Forbes has sunk to a new low.

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