Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick Fire

HRC outperformed BHO in the debate tonight. Bummer for my man.

I saw the Pope's motorcade on the way to the White House this morning. Not quite the PopeMobile, but close enough.

Pat Robinson and Al Sharpton did a commercial together on climate change. And it's charming. Who knew?

Harold and Kumar Take II is coming!!!

Steve Colbert went to the Constitution Center. And probably signed the same Constitution guest book that features my signature next to Ruth Bader Ginsberg's! And when did Colbert became so fabulously Sasha Baron Cohen-like? As soon as his PA bit gets posted on YouTube, you MUST watch. HYSTERICAL.

For the first time in my life, my attendance at a job fair was fruitful. Landed an interview for a summer internship! Now if I can just get the job ...

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