Monday, April 30, 2007

The Queen is coming to Virginia!

No, really. Her Majesty, the Queen of England is coming to Virginia to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown. How fabulous is that!?! The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be visiting Richmond, Jamestown, and Williamsburg on this trip and there's a whole festival planned for May 3 and 4.

I'm totally going. 20-page public policy paper be damned. I even entered into the lottery for a chance to walk with the Queen as she makes her way around the Richmond Capitol Square. A total of 108 people will win the lottery, symbolizing the 108 English settlers who founded Jamestown. Heh. Actually, I just want to hear Prince Phillip make one of his trademark utterly ridiculous remarks like "how do you keep the natives off the booze long enough?" Or maybe I can get him to autograph my chest with a Sharpie.

Luckily, I have at least one, equally dorky friend among the Gang of 100 who wants to come with me. Since I put him down as my guest and he put me down as his guest, we figure we have about a 3% chance of winning, given the 18,000 people who have registered so far. (Yes, yes, I already admitted to the dorkiness. Whatever). We've also agreed that a lottery win is a great excuse for a shopping trip. I mean, what does one wear when participating in a walkabout with the Queen? Thank goodness I've already been briefed on etiquette. Did you know that gloves are optional but if I choose to wear them, white is not required and neither is removing them before shaking the Queen's hand? Goodness, just imagine the horrifying ramifications of not possessing that critical nugget of truth and knowledge!

UPDATE (5/5)
I didn't win the lottery AND I totally missed out on seeing the Queen because I had to go into the office. Freakin' a. I've spent the past two months bemoaning a lack of job and income and now that I finally both (sort of), I miss the Queen. Sometimes you just can't win in life.

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