Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The (relative) calm before the storm

Next week, I start my summer internship (or summer associate, as they like to say in MBA schools). This week, however, is my time to catch up on life.

Except that I've been so overwhelmed with stuff to do! I had all these grand plans to call up friends I haven't spoken to in months, scrapbook my trip to Israel and Jordan, meet people for lunch, read a few good books, visit DC touristy sites before the summer crowds descend ... and yet I've been caught up in the mundane, time-sucking details of life: making doctor's appointments, updating my address book, re-allocating 401K funds, etc. How is it that, no matter how much I think about enjoying the best things of life, the stupid things of life always seem to triumph?

We all know that life is made up of more noble stuff than grocery shopping and reading blogs. And yet, we fall into the same rat race trap, over and over and over. In this case, I feel, the thought isn't actually what counts.

So! I have a few more days of freedom to rectify the situation. I'm off to tour the Library of Congress and get a Library of Congress library card (who knew there were such things?!). Then it's time for happy hour drinks with friends, and, afterwards, a few phone calls to West Coast friends. Maybe if I get back early enough tonight, I might check a few more mundane items off the to do list ... but if not, shoot. I have the rest of my life to get to those.

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