Sunday, May 18, 2008

I almost have a nephew

My sister is finally in labor! Sort of.

Lemme tell you, as excited as I am to meet my new nephew, I am even MORE excited that it's not me giving birth. Her contractions started at 4am Saturday. For the next 17 hours, she just had contractions about 10 minutes apart. At 9pm, she finally left the house to see the doctor, who told her that she still wasn't ready. So, she and her husband picked up cheeseburgers to eat at home. It's now 12:40am and I still don't have a nephew.

This kid better be real fun in real life to make up for his supremely boring entrance into the world ... This is SO not like it happens in the movies. There was no dramatic water breaking in the middle of my graduation, no rush to the hospital, no anxious pacing in the waiting room. And my poor sister probably can't even sleep because she's awakened every 10 minutes or so by intense cramping.

The moral of the story for me?


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