Tuesday, May 02, 2006

How would you like your corn?

A few Cochabamba statistics for you:

1. In this region of Bolivia, there are supposedly nearly 100 types of corn and 200 types of potatoes. I haven't had a chance to really research it, but it sure seemed that way. I, personally, enjoyed various types of corn four different ways -- off the cob, api (a sweet drink), tojori (another drink), and chicha (an alcholic brew made from corn and tastes kind of like Mike's Hard Lemonade). It was Orieta's 76-year-old aunt who took me out for a drink during my visit.

2. Cochabamba boasts the biggest open air market in South America. Called La Cancha, it is the most overwhelming, dizzying, exhausting market I've ever been to. Imagine the craziest outdoor market you've experienced and multiply it by 200. Now you're close. Filled with fake Gap, Ralph Lauren, Nike, Puma, you name the brand, La Cancha goes on for blocks and blocks -- even the markets in Bangkok couldn't hold a candle.

3. They also boast the highest statue of Christ. The more famous statue in Rio de Janeiro rises to 33 meters, one meter for each year of Jesus' life. The Cochabamba statue is 33 meters and a few centimeters, justified by the Cochabambinos because Christ lived "33 years and a little bit." I climbed to the top of the statue and peered out the small holes, which provided the only light inside. My quads were so sore the next day and I'm blaming the altitude. And if you have a problem with that, you can race against my super-duper new lung capacity when I get back to the States.

4. Never, ever take the last bus out of Cochabamba. Especially not on the eve of The Day of the Worker (May 1). For more details, read the next entry.

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