Monday, July 14, 2008

How Would God Vote?

Take it for what you will. I just thought the blog debate "How Would God Vote" was interesting and worth the read.

You can start at the beginning of the debate between "conservative" David Klinghoffer and "liberal" Jim Wallis and scroll through their responses -- or you can go to specific responses, as they tickle your fancy:
  1. Klinghoffer: Let's Clarify the Politics of the Bible
  2. Wallis: The Bible is Neither Conservative Nor Liberal
  3. Klinghoffer: The Theme is Moral Responsibility
  4. Wallis: Personal and Social Responsibility
  5. Klinghoffer: What are God's Real Politics?
  6. Wallis: Biblical Perspectives on Idolatry, Poverty, Abortion
  7. Klinghoffer: The Bible Says Poverty and Morality are Connected
  8. Wallis: Let's Agree to Disagree
The tone gets a little tense towards the middle-end -- in a polite, verbal throwdown kind of way!


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